Research centres and testing facilities

The University Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest in Křtiny (UFE) is an organizational part of Mendel University in Brno, special purpose facility mainly for the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. It was founded in 1923 and its original scientific and pedagogical mission has not changed, but it has been expanded in view of the rapidly changing environmental conditions and the requirements of society.

The primary aim of the University Forest Enterprise is to provide students and the university’s research-teaching staff with a facility for practical teaching, operational training, and field experimental work in both basic and applied research. It also supports the development of final and dissertation theses in the fields taught at the university or addressed by scientific projects, particularly at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Vrška, Dr.
Head of the University enterprise Masaryk forest in Křtiny
tel.: +420 602 794 216

The laboratory focuses on complex research into diseases of woody species, currently on pathogens of the Phytophthora genus. The laboratory is equipped to enable processing of soil samples, isolation of pure cultures of pathogens of woody species and their analysis through modern methods of molecular biology based on analysis of DNA and RNA.

Offer of expertise:

  • The researchers at the Phytophthora Research Centre (PRC) have extensive field and laboratory expertise in diagnosing diseases of trees and other woody plants caused by Phytophthora and other oomycete pathogens. Usually working on terrestrial ecosystems all over the world, the group has recently expanded its research to marine and estuarine biomes and to oomycete diseases affecting seaweed and seagrasses.
  • The knowhow of the PRC team is based on extensive experience with ecological conditions of sites to be studied and targeted collection of samples to be processed for isolating oomycete pathogens from plant tissues, soil and water using a range of specific techniques. The identification of oomycete cultures is performed with micromorphological and molecular methods.  In addition, various methods are used for testing the pathogenicity of selected oomycetes (or the resistance/tolerance of host plants).
  • The PRC maintains an extensive Oomycete live culture collection which is the base of several lines of research conducted either by PRC scientists (taxonomic, phylogenetic, population genetic and host range studies; mycovirus studies, etc.) or researchers from other institutions (via joint projects or official cooperation agreements).
  • The PRC team is a dynamic cluster engaged with the training of scientists from other institutions in Phytophthora and oomycete research methods listed above.

Prof. RNDr. Michal Tomšovský, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel.: +420 545 134 115

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Josef Ressel Research Centre

The centre is under the professional supervision of the Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology. Laboratories for teaching and research are located here, focusing on wood as a renewable raw material. Newly-developed technologies, materials, semi-completed products or fully-completed products can be thoroughly examined and modified by means of special equipment in the JRRC laboratories.

prof. Ing. Vladimír Gryc, Ph.D.
Head of the Josef Ressel Research Centre
tel.: +420 545 134 548

Testing Laboratory for Construction, Joinery Products and Furniture

It provides services for testing, standardization and certification of windows, doors, wooden and wood-based boards, wood-flooring elements, wood for building construction, laminated materials based on wood, adhesives and furniture. It is divided into two worksites: the Furniture Testing Lab in Brno and the Testing Lab for Construction and Joinery Products in Zlín.

Ing. Petr Sláčik
Head of the Testing Laboratory for Construction, Joinery and Furniture in Zlín
tel.: +420 739 555 328

Ing. Miroslav Zapletal, Ph.D.
Head of the Furniture Testing Laboratory in Brno
tel.: +420 606 056 342

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Josef Ressel Research Centre (Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology)

Here you can find the equipment of the individual laboratories of the Josef Ressel Research Centre.
Laboratory of Microwave Modifications

The laboratory researches microwave modification of wood and wood-based materials.

Offer of expertise:
Research into interaction between electromagnetic radiation and particular material for the purpose of plasticization, drying, acceleration of chemical reactions, adjustment of permeability, sterilization, etc.

Ing. Jakub Dömény, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
tel.: +420 545 134 550

Laboratory of Dendrochronology

The laboratory provides dendrological dating, forms standard chronologies, researches into the use of wood throughout history, determines the origin of wood, and deals with dendro-ecological and dendro-climatological applications, including the use of isotope analysis.

Offer of expertise:
Dendrochromological dating of historical wooden building structures, archeological and sub-fossil wood, musical instruments and pieces of art.

doc. Ing. Michal Rybníček, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420545 134 546

Laboratory of Wood Anatomy

The laboratory provides identification of wood samples, analysis of heartwood and sapwood formation at the cellular level, analysis of morphometric values of wood anatomical elements, and comparative anatomy of fossil wood.

Offer of expertise:
Determination of wood samples at the macroscopic and microscopic levels (living wood, charred macro-residues, wood from archeological finds)

prof. Ing. Vladimír Gryc, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 548, mobil: 773 771 033

Tree stability

Offer of expertise:
Visual assessment of tree condition, proposal of interventions, verification of tree stability using acoustic tomography or a tensile test.

Ing. Luděk Praus, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 551

Laboratory of Machining

The laboratory evaluates cutting processes (circular saw cutting, milling) and the effect of the process conditions change on machining parameters.

Offer of expertise:
Verification tests of cutting edge durability and tool lifespan, measurement and evaluation of machined material surface quality, measurement and evaluation of forces during simultaneous machining on 3 axes, calculations of cutting forces and resistance to the tool cutting edge, measurement and evaluation of tool noise level, dust production evaluation

Ing. Luďka Hanincová, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 013

Laboratory of Thermal Technology

The laboratory measures thermal and moisture properties of materials (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, diffusion resistance factor, sorption, absorption).

Offer of expertise:
Laboratory measurements, research and development of material properties in the field of thermal technology, building structure diagnostics, experimental measurements and modeling of the thermal-moisture regimen of building structures, analysis of building energy efficiency.

Ing. Richard Slávik, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 159

Laboratory of Wood Pressure Impregnation

The laboratory examines vacuum-pressure impregnation as a modification method to increase suitable wood properties

Offer of expertise:
Pressure impregnation of substances (water-soluble or oil based) into wood with option of temperature increase up to 160 °C. Research and development of technological processes of pressure impregnation and optimization of parameters (pressure, time, temperature, process, etc.). Determination of impregnating substance uptake.

Ing. Petr Pařil, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 550

Laboratory of Wood Protection

The laboratory researches the resistance of wood-based materials and modified wood to wood-degrading fungi, efficiency of fungicides, resistance of wood-based materials and wood surface treatments to the atmospheric corrosion during natural or artificial aging.

Offer of expertise:
Laboratory testing of wood natural durability (wood decay fungi), effectiveness of wood preservatives (EN113), identification of wood-degrading pests, natural aging and artificial aging of wood-based materials and wood surface treatments.

Ing. Jan Baar, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 046

Bioanalytical Laboratory

Laboratory applies suitable analytical methods to determine target elements in various matrices of the environment.

Offer of expertise:
Value determination of dry matter, viscosity, pH, phenol, formaldehyde, extractive substances, total polyphenols, carbohydrates and starch (SPFM), selected individual volatile and non-volatile substances (GC-MS-TD-HS, HPLC-DAD- ELSD), etc. Matrix diagnoses of living wood, dead wood, adhesives, composite materials, wood-based materials, insects, soil, air samples, other biological materials

Mgr. Zuzana Paschová, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 160

Laboratory of Wood Thermal Modification

The laboratory examines thermal modification of wood with the purpose of elevating applicable properties of wood by targeted thermal degradation of fundamental chemical components of wood or by surface modification – carbonization.

Offer of expertise:
Thermal modification process optimization for specific applications, i.e. determining temperature ranges of the thermal modification process with respect to the type of wood, determining weight loss, degree of color change, dimensional stability and mechanical properties of thermal modified wood.

Ing. Petr Čermák, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 550

Laboratory of Mechanical Properties of Wood

The laboratory identifies mechanical behavior of wood and wood-based materials in basic load conditions.

Offer of expertise:
Determination of mechanical properties of wood and wood- based materials using small test samples and structural elements in compliance with Czech and international standards, analysis of deformation fields applying optical methods, determination of basic characteristics of structural joints.

Ing. Martin Brabec, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 545

Laboratory of Numerical Calculations

The laboratory processes calculations applying the finite element method.

Offer of expertise:
Physical analyses and numerical calculations (mechanical, thermal, vibro-acoustic, etc.) of wood, wood-based materials and wooden structures.

Ing. Jan Tippner, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 544

Laboratory of Vibro-acoustic Properties

The laboratory identifies vibro-acoustic properties of wood and wood-based products.

Offer of expertise:
Experimental determination of acoustic properties of materials, laser vibrometry, modal analysis.

Ing. Patrik Nop
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph.: +420 545 134 045

Laboratory of Composite Materials

The laboratory examines the development and laboratory production of layered and particle composite materials (particle board, OSB, plywood, etc.)

Offer of expertise:
Development and optimization of production of layered and particle composites, i.e. determination of technological operations, optimization of particle size, determination of compression process parameters, verification of physical and mechanical properties of composite materials.

Ing. et Ing. Tomáš Pipíška, Ph.D.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology
ph. +420 720 534 255

Laboratory of Advanced Wood Surface Treatments

The laboratory examines surface treatment of wood and other materials using discharge plasma

Offer of expertise:
Plasma activation and plasma treatment of the surface of flat and granular materials, analysis of the method effect on adhesion and surface fluid distribution.

doc. RNDr. Jozef Ráheľ, PhD.
Department of Wood Science and Wood Processing Technology

Departmental laboratories

Department of Design and Furniture

Laboratory of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Furniture Surface Treatments

The laboratory is engaged in testing surface treatments of furniture and other interior elements. We test various types of coatings and laminates to ensure their durability, resistance to scratching, moisture, high temperatures, UV light and more.

Offer of expertise:

Testing and consulting on furniture and interior treatments; Measurement of coating film thickness, coating film surface adhesion, determination of physical-mechanical and chemical resistance of furniture surface treatments.

doc. Ing. Daniela Tesařová, Ph.D.
Department of design and furniture
tel.: +420 545 134 170

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Laboratory for evaluation of material properties

The laboratory deals with the evaluation of wood-based materials and alternative materials. It tests mechanical properties (tension, pressure, bending, modulus of elasticity…) and physical (conical calorimeter) and chemical properties (FTIR spectrometer, gas chromatograph).

Offer of expertise:

Evaluation of mechanical properties of wood-based, composite and other materials; Measurement of flammability and thermal properties of materials; Identification of chemical substances and characterization of materials by infrared spectroscopy.

Ing. Petr Čech, Ph.D.
Department of design and furniture
tel.: +420 545 134 516, +420 545 134 534

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Department of Landscape Management

Living Lab Forest Hydrology

The laboratory focuses on determining parameters of the precipitation-runoff process and water balance in forest micro-catchments. Simultaneously, it measures key climatic parameters in these locations and tests selected structures designed for water retention in forests. The laboratory infrastructure comprises of a system of experimental forest micro-catchments and associated research facilities, as well as several test structures for water retention in forests, all equipped with comprehensive research instrumentation.

Offer of expertise:
The laboratory operates on the principle of so-called Open Water-oriented Living Labs and is open to scientists and researchers. They can conduct their own experiments here, whether for basic, applied, or operational research purposes.

Doc. Ing. Petr Kupec, Ph.D.
Department of Landscape Management
tel.: +420 545 134 097

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Soil Mechanics Laboratory

The laboratory specializes in analysis within the field of soil mechanics, particularly regarding the foundation and construction of small structures within the landscape. It is equipped with the necessary instruments and methods to cover all essential aspects of this field.

Offer of expertise:

  • Soil classification for various construction purposes
  • Determination of soil permeability
  • Measurement of soil shear strength
  • Determination of soil elasticity modulus (CBR test)
  • Soil compaction analysis (Proctor test)
  • Laser diffraction analysis

Ing. Lenka Ševelová
Department of Landscape Management
tel.: +420 545 134 093

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Department of Geology and Soil Science

Soil Science Laboratory

The laboratory specializes in conducting a selected range of hydro-physical, chemical, physics-chemical, and biological soil analyses for scientific purposes as well as for external legal and natural entities.

Offer of  Expertise:
Services include, e.g.: Determination of elemental content in soil (C, H, N, S) and carbon fractionation, enzyme activity measurement using spectrophotometric and fluorescence methods, pH and soil conductivity analysis, determination of soil retention curves and soil texture analysis.

Ing. Ladislav Holík, Ph.D.
Department of Geology and Soil Science
tel.: +420 545 134 037
e-mail: ladislav.holik@admin

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Department of Mathematics

Data processing laboratory

The lab deals with processing data into graphs, reports and tables using tools in Python or Jupiter and Python-based web frameworks (Solara, Streamlit, Dash).

Offer of expertise:

Consulting, designing data processing workflows, creating scripts to work with data, creating dashboards to present data, providing automatic output updates for continuously collected data.

doc. Mgr. Robert Mařík, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics
tel.: +420 545 134 030

Laboratory of Technical Text Processing

The laboratory deals with the preparation and processing of technical texts in the LaTeX system and systems derived from it, including LaTeX support in MS Word.

Offer of expertise:

Consultation, preparation of documents for typesetting for printing and internet, preparation of the environment for working with LaTeX system, training for work with LaTeX system, creation of templates, preparation of macros, incorporation of formulas and technical diagrams in documents, batch processing of texts.

Mgr. Marie Koktavá, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics
tel.: +420 545 134 031

Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management

Wildlife Management Laboratories

The Wildlife Management Laboratory takes a comprehensive approach to the biology, ecology, and management of wildlife. It is equipped with instruments for monitoring population dynamics, health status, and wildlife management. The facility also provides an environment for integration of modern knowledge into teaching and practical applications.

Offer of expertise:

  • The research team of the Wildlife Management Laboratory has extensive experience in field data collection on the occurrence and abundance of animal species and ecosystem monitoring.
  • The team focuses on current topics such as:
  • Population dynamics and the impact of ungulates on ecosystems
  • Invasive species in the landscape
  • Damage to forest and agricultural areas
  • Management of conflicting species
  • Monitoring the health status of animals
  • Animals in urban environments
  • Age estimation of hunted game using modern laboratory methods
  • The laboratory is equipped with a variety of optical devices for classical and thermal image monitoring, a sample preparation station, a dissection room, microscopy equipment for parasitology analysis, an equipment reloading room, computer equipment for GPS telemetry tracking, an extensive set of camera traps, online cameras, trapping devices, a thermal imaging drone, and more.
  • The laboratory also maintains extensive collections of natural specimens, which are used for teaching and public education and awareness. The facility is closely connected to the teaching of subjects such as wildlife management, free-living animal management, data collection methodology, hunting, and thesis development.

RNDr. Ondřej Mikulka, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel.: +420 545 134 111

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Entomology Laboratory

The entomology laboratory primarily serves for sorting, identification, preparation and storage of arthropod samples for research and teaching purposes. The laboratory has high-quality optical equipment for detailed observation at macroscopic and microscopic level. The laboratory enables the breeding of insects and their extraction from woody materials using so-called photoeclectors. The laboratory also has basic equipment for extracting nematodes from insect vectors or bark and wood samples. Using the dynamic olfactometer located in the laboratory, determination of the olfactory preference of insects is possible.

Offer of expertise:

The entomological research team using the laboratory has extensive experience in the determination of forest insects, especially insect pests and saproxylic insects. Other research projects deal with spiders, which are again determined here.

Doc. Ing. Jiří Foit, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel.: +420 545 134 121

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Phytopathology and Mycology Laboratory

The laboratory focuses on the identification of agents causing damage to woody plants, primarily wood-decaying fungi and fungal pathogens affecting the assimilatory apparatus of woody plants. The laboratory includes a fungal culture collection currently comprising approximately 900 strains. It serves primarily as a resource for students working on their theses, as well as for processing research materials for projects carried out in the Department of Forest Conservation and Wildlife Management. The laboratory also provides consulting services and works with both the general public and specialists.

Offer of expertise:

Routine methods relating to the identification of phytopathogenic fungi — including microscopy, cultivation, detection, and molecular identification techniques.

The Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management is equipped with instruments for micro-, meso-, and macro-tree injection. Micro-injection technology enables effective protection of woody plants against common pathogens and pests. The technology works by introducing systemic substances into tree tissues, which then distribute them to all living tissues, providing efficient protection. The laboratory primarily focuses on researching new active substances, biopreparations, and nanotechnologies applicable for tree defence. Meso-injection technology supports the vitality of young trees which stagnate in growth due to environmental stress factors. It can also be used similarly to micro-injection for tree defence. Macro-injection technology is primarily used for the comprehensive support of valuable trees. Before application, a detailed inspection of the tree is carried out, on the basis of which a unique mixture of micro and macro nutrients, sugars, and other possible efficient substances is custom-made for the specific tree. The main objective is to enhance the prospects and vitality of these unique trees.

Offer of expertise and technologies:

Assessment of the operational safety of trees in urban areas and other locations with potential danger to nearby structures.

Contacts for Phytopathology and Mycology:

Ing. Dagmar Palovčíková
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel.: +420 545 134 119

Ing. Miloš Trifkovič
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel.: +420 545 134 120

Contact Person for Arboristic equipment:

Ing. Jiří Rozsypálek, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel.: +420 545 134 184

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology

Laboratory of Anatomy and Morphology

The laboratory focuses on the anatomical and morphological structure of both aboveground and underground plant organs and their hydraulic functions. Comprehensive anatomical and morphological studies contribute to a deeper understanding of tree physiology. For instance, the flow in sapwood is linked to the structure of xylem. Detailed anatomical, morphological, and ecophysiological studies enable the analysis of stress factors and risks that environmental disturbances may cause. The goal of anatomical and ecophysiological studies is to establish fundamental methods for addressing potential forest destabilization.

Offer of expertise:
Comprehensive anatomical, morphological, and ecophysiological analysis of stress factors affecting the vitality of woody plants.

prof. Ing. Roman Gebauer, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 545 134 043

Ing. Roman Plichta, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 545 134 043

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Laboratory of Dendroecology

The laboratory deals with the determination of the age of trees, the demographic structure of tree populations and their climatic and growth responses.

Offer of expertise:

Determination of the age of woody plants and their growth response to various ecological factors, particularly climatic responses.

Ing. Martin Šenfeldr, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 545 134 500

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Laboratory of Tree Genetics

The shared laboratory is located within the premises of the Institute of Forest Botany, Dendrology, and Geobiocoenology and was established in collaboration with the Institute of Forest Protection and Game Management. The laboratory focuses on the application of DNA and RNA methods in forestry and related fields. The laboratory is equipped for the mechanical homogenization of biological material (Retsch ball mill) for nucleic acid isolation and subsequent amplification through enzymatic PCR (Eppendorf and Bio-Rad thermal cyclers; Qubit fluorometer), followed by analysis using separation methods (horizontal and vertical electrophoresis, including a transilluminator and documentation system). A dedicated room is reserved for RNA-based methods. DNA sequencing is outsourced to external service providers. The laboratory’s research activities focus on the genetic diversity and systematics of plants, fungi, and oomycetes, as well as the identification of tree pathogens and agents responsible for biotic wood damage. Advanced research also addresses the occurrence of viruses in tree pathogen genomes and fungal diversity in the rhizosphere. The laboratory primarily supports research activities conducted by faculty staff and students in collaboration with numerous national and international research institutions.

Ing. Peter Mendel, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel. 545 134 557, 545 134 053

prof. RNDr. Michal Tomšovský, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
tel. 545 134 115

Laboratory of Tree Ecophysiology

Ecophysiological studies primarily focus on the dynamics of transpiration flow and growth changes in tree trunks measured using dendrometers. We also investigate photosynthesis (measured both via gas exchange and derived from chlorophyll fluorescence), water potential, and spectral reflectance at  leaf level. Ecophysiological measurement is complemented by mineral analysis of foliage and the analysis of non-structural carbohydrate concentration.

Offer of expertise:

Comprehensive anatomical, morphological, and ecophysiological analysis of stress factors affecting the vitality of woody plants.

doc. Ing. Josef Urban, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 776 041 3030

prof. Ing. Roman Gebauer, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 545 134 043

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Botanical Collections and Herbarium

The Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology, and Geobiocoenology professionally manages a herbarium and a collection of unique woody plants, including a living botanical collection.

The herbarium contains approximately 100,000 specimens of plants, as well as conifer cones, fruits, and seeds of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants from around the world. It serves as a resource for studying plant morphology and identification. The most notable part of the collection is the global assortment of herbarium specimens of willows (Salix).

The living collections are located in the arboreta at Řícmanice and Křtiny within the Křtiny Forest Enterprise area. The arboreta aim to care for the unique collection of woody plants (approximately 800 species from most continents), including testing the growth of potential of exotic tree species in local conditions.

Offer of expertise:

The public can book a guided tour of the Křtiny or Řícmanice arboretum. All information is available here.

Ing. Martin Šenfeldr, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 545 134 500

doc. Ing. Radomír Řepka, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
tel.: +420 545 134 057

Department of Forest Ecology

Laboratory of Secondary Production

The laboratory facilities are used for processing biological material from animals (fur, faeces, organs). The laboratory’s facilities also include a dissection room.

Offer of expertise:

The laboratory is authorized to use wild animals for experimentation under § 15a par. 2, § 15b, and    §  20 par. 1g) of the Animal Protection Act. It is also permitted to use animals captured in the wild for experiments conducted within the facility (§  17d par. 2 of the Animal Protection Act). This includes breeding selected small wild mammal species (common vole, yellow-necked mouse, and bank vole).

doc. Ing. Luboš Purchart, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Ecology
tel.: +420 545 134 012

Measuring Stations within the DendroNetwork

As part of a broader consortium of research institutions, a national network of research plots with online stations for monitoring the state of forest ecosystems has been established. The monitoring network focuses on tracking the growth response of woody plants to changing environmental conditions, including the impacts of drought.

Offer of expertise:
The network of stations serves as an effective tool, providing clear, timely, and location-specific information on drought stress, vitality, and the productivity of forest ecosystems.

Ing. Jan Světlík, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Ecology
tel.: +420 545 134 188

Rájec – Němčice Ecosystem Station

The station is part of the national scientific research infrastructure for carbon monitoring in the Czech Republic — CzeCOS — and the DendroNetwork monitoring network. It provides a platform for studying the impact of climate on the functioning of the spruce ecosystem. Phenological and dendrochronological observations are conducted here, along with long-term monitoring of energy and material flow.

doc. Ing. Luboš Purchart, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Ecology
tel.: +420 545 134 012

Department of Engineering

Ergonomics Centre

We provide consultation in the fields of ergonomics, workplace quality, and social communication. Our services include measuring ergonomic parameters of workplaces, multi-signal monitoring of physiological variables, digital motion recording, and ergonomic risk assessment.

Mgr. Eva Abramuszkinová Pavlíková, M.A., Ph.D.
Department of Engineering
tel.: +420 545 134 310

Workplace for Measuring and Control Systems of Harvesters and Forwarders

We provide consultation on the operational deployment of harvesters and forwarders under various production and technical conditions in forestry, as well as on the accuracy and reliability of their measuring systems. We conduct operator training on a John Deere harvester and forwarder simulator and, in collaboration with ABA International, we offer internationally recognized professional qualification exams for harvester and forwarder operators.

Ing. Tomáš Zemánek, Ph.D.
Department of Engineering
tel.: +420 545 134 150

Department for the Impact of Forestry Technology on Humans and the Environment in Forestry

PWe provide consultation on the impact of forestry machinery on humans and the environment in forestry operations. Our services include dynamometer testing, noise and vibration measurement of chainsaws and other machinery. We also assess soil damage and damage to standing trees caused by forestry machinery.

Ing. Luboš Staněk, Ph.D.
Department of Engineering
tel.: +420 545 134 155

Training and Qualification Exams for Machinery Operation

We provide training in chainsaw operation accredited by the National Register of Qualifications. The training focuses on workplace safety, health protection, and operational techniques under various production and technical conditions in forestry. Additionally, in collaboration with ABA International, we offer internationally recognized professional qualification exams for the operation of manual and mechanized equipment in forestry and arboriculture.

Ing. Pavel Nevrkla
Department of Engineering
tel.: +420 545 134 099

Department of Silviculture

Silviculture Laboratory

The laboratory provides facilities for testing the quality of seed material and forest tree seeds, as well as evaluating the morphological and physiological quality of forest tree planting material, and the quality of soil and cultivation substrates. The laboratory also houses a collection of forest tree seeds. The laboratory primarily supports teaching, the preparation of student theses, and research projects of the Department of Forest Establishment and Silviculture. When needed, it offers services to other departments of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences and provides consulting for both professionals and the general public.

Offer of expertise:

The laboratory conducts testing in seed material and seed quality according to ČSN 48 1211.

It performs quality tests of planting material according to ČSN 48 2115.

Additional selected tests for seed, substrate, and plant quality are carried out for educational and research purposes. The laboratory is uniquely equipped for seed sorting using the IDS method, allowing the elimination of dead seeds from seed lots, a capability rare in Central Europe.

The laboratory now primarily supports the testing of biological preparations for the protection of forest tree seeds, reducing pesticide use in forest tree cultivation, and evaluating plants tested under various adaptive measures relating to climate change.

Ing. Kateřina Houšková, Ph.D.
Department of Silviculture
tel.: +420 545 134 132

Here you can find the laboratory equipment.

Calibration Laboratory

Calibration Laboratory

The laboratory focuses on the measurement and volume calculation of roundwood in sawmill operations and log storage sites, as well as the sorting of roundwood and lumber by quality or strength.

Offer of expertise:
Calibration of electronic measuring devices for geometric parameters used for wood invoicing and/or sorting. Training for log or lumber sorters.

doc. Ing. Karel Janák, CSc.
tel.: +420 545 134 161