A newly located defibrillator at the faculty

26. 6. 2020
LDF has purchased an automatic external defibrillator for the needs of its employees, students and the public. The device is located on the ground floor of building B.

The AED defibrillator is a non-professional device that is designed to revive a person who has suffered a cardiac arrest by means of ventricular fibrillation. Timely delivery of an electric shock within about 5 minutes is the only way to save the victim in these circumstances.

The DEFIBTECH device from AEDLine Ltd., which the faculty has purchased, communicates with the user loudly in Czech at all times. It doesn´t need to be charged up or connected to any power source during operation, and is therefore ready for immediate use. Under no circumstances can the device do any harm. The delivery of an electric shock is conditional to the fact that the victim has suffered a cardiac arrest. If this is not the case, the device will never deliver a shock. After the shock, the device emits a loud metronome sound to set the rhythm for heart massage.

On Monday, June 15, an OSH training event was held for faculty staff. The members of staff could try out the device for themselves. For all the others, we attach a link to a video where the use of a defibrillator is clearly shown:


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